7 years ago
Welcome to Frisco Elementary School!
Our children deserve all of our support and energy to help make their school experience both fun and educational. When parents, teachers, students, and the community combine efforts, only great things can happen for our children!
What is the Frisco Elementary PTSA all about?
The Frisco PTSA is committed to creating a community within Frisco Elementary School by supporting our children, parents, teachers, and staff through Advocacy, Communication, Safety, and Fundraising.
Facebook is the best way to keep up to date on news, volunteer opportunities, and school happenings! Please become a member on Facebook: Page Name: Frisco Elementary PTSA (all caps PTSA) Check Facebook and in the school's calendar for dates and times of the PTSA meetings. For this year we plan on having meetings on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 8:45-9:30. The following dates have been set: September 4th October 2nd November 6th December 4th
PTSA Officers:
Megan Gleason
Vice President
Kim Kramer
Consuelo Redhorse
Danielle Coccocia