9 years ago
Colorado’s READ Act and Summit Schools
Purpose of the READ Act
Achieving reading competency by the end of third grade is a critical milestone for every student and predicts ongoing educational success. If a student enters fourth grade without achieving reading competency, he or she is significantly more likely to fall behind in all subject areas beginning in fourth grade and later grades. Early literacy development is not only a critical milestone in a child’s path to success, but it is also one of Colorado’s top education priorities. Colorado’s READ Act focuses on early literacy and reading skills.
Colorado READ ACT: Overview
The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (the READ Act), passed by the Colorado Legislature in 2012, focuses on early literacy development for all students and especially for students at risk for not achieving third grade reading proficiency. The READ Act focuses on kindergarten through third grade (K-3) literacy development.
The READ Act at Summit School District:
The law requires Summit School District to assess all kindergarten through third grade students to determine their proficiency in six components of reading in English: oral language, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading fluency and reading comprehension. If it is determined that the child is significantly below grade level in any one of these essential components of reading, then the READ Act requires the creation and implementation of an individual intervention called a READ plan. The Colorado State Department of Education outlines specific parts of the plan which includes the instructional program and assessments used to monitor student progress in reading. Throughout the READ plan implementation process, decisions should be made collaboratively between school personnel and parents/guardians.
Advancement of Students with Significant Reading Deficiencies: The READ Act provides guidance for deciding whether to advance students with significant reading deficiencies. It also requires that parents can choose retention as an intervention strategy for students who are significantly below grade level. Parents have the decision making authority for advancement decisions for grades K-3 until 2016-17. Beginning in 2016-17, for students completing third grade, the superintendent or his/her designee can make the final decision for advancement.
Team Effort
Summit School District looks forward to working with families to create and implement an effective plan which provides targeted instruction at school and literacy activities at home.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or school principal